

Park School

Formal Pathway


Our Formal curriculum builds upon the skills and understanding that the children will have acquired through the Semi Formal pathway. The curriculum at the formal stage is designed to offer pupils the opportunity to access a range of discrete subjects areas but also ensure their social, emotional, sensory and physical needs are met. The Formal curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to develop and apply their independent/functional skills both inside and outside of school, preparing them for the next stage of their education. The aim of the curriculum is to develop successful learners who enjoy and contribute to their own learning and make progress and achieve. 

The overall intent of the Formal curriculum is to provide a motivating and engaging context in which pupils can achieve and make progress based on their assessed levels and next steps in a personalised way. The Formal curriculum focuses more attention on specific subject areas based on the National Curriculum with pupils accessing learning both through discrete lessons and thematically to ensure learning is meaningful and exciting. 



The Formal curriculum is structured around adapted National Curriculum subjects. The Core subjects are Communication and Language, Literacy, Maths, Science and PSHE. Elements of Language and Communication and PSHE are built into all teaching and learning activities throughout the day. Literacy and Maths are taught as discrete subjects everyday. Science and PE are taught as discrete subjects every week and Foundation subjects such as Geography, History, RE, DT and Art may be taught discretely if appropriate or they may be incorporated thematically. 

The Formal curriculum is taught using a thematic approach. Teachers use the interests of their children to choose a topic each term that is highly desirable, motivating and relevant for the class.



The impact of the Formal curriculum is evidenced through the progress that the children make in their learning which will be measured using a range of frameworks and through formative and summative assessments. Progress in Communication and Interaction, Cognition, Personal, Social and Emotional development and Physical and Independence will be tracked and evidenced. 
