The Semi-Formal curriculum builds upon the skills and understanding that pupils will have acquired through the Pre-Formal curriculum and/or Early Years Foundation Stage. The curriculum at the Semi-Formal stage is designed to equip children with the necessary skills, knowledge understanding and experience to become more independent learners. Children are taught key skills and knowledge in the core areas of communication and language, early literacy, early mathematics, physical development and personal, social and emotional development.
The Semi-Formal curriculum is also designed to address difficulties that children may have in the areas of -
communication and language
sensory integration
emotional regulation
attention and focus
physical mobility
social skills
The Semi-Formal curriculum is delivered in a way that ensures it is accessible, relevant and meaningful to all.
The Semi-Formal curriculum is delivered through a termly topic. Core subjects - early literacy, early maths, PE are taught as discrete sessions. PSHE and communication and language are integrated into all teaching and learning activities. Foundation areas - Understanding the World including Science, Music, Creative Development, Computing and Religious Education are taught discretely if appropriate or the skills and understanding are integrated into the wider thematic curriculum. Semi-Formal pupils are taught generalised skills across these subjects as this is the most relevant for them at this stage.
The Semi-Formal curriculum is taught using a thematic approach. Teachers use the interest of their children to choose a topic each term that is highly desirable, motivating and relevant for the class. Using a thematic approach enables children to make links and connections between the different areas of their learning and to transfer knowledge and skills and apply it to other contexts.
The impact of the Semi-Formal curriculum will be evidenced by the progress that the children make in their learning. This is measured using a range of frameworks and through summative and formative assessments. Progress will be tracked in Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Personal, Social and Emotional and Physical and Independence; recording the holistic progress and development of each child.