Elleray Park is a Rights Respecting School. This UNICEF award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos.
All human beings – adults and children alike – are entitled to basic human rights. Children have a particular set of rights due to their vulnerability and need for protection. The UNCRC sets out the rights that must be realised for children to develop to their full potential.
The right of every child to reach their full potential is always at the heart of the school ethos and as a school we place a high value upon shared visions and values. We decided to celebrate what we already do by enhancing and challenging our teaching and learning and commit to the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools achievements.
We were awarded our Record of Commitment in March 2017 and have been working hard towards reaching level 1 in the very near future.
Please read the attached to learn about what the 42 Children’s Rights are.