

Park School

Sensory Story

The children will engage as a group with sensory story 4x per week. The sensory story will always be linked and relevant to the current termly topic. In Autumn 1, Copper Class will be engaging with 'How to Catch a Star' and 'Zoom to the Moon' and in Autumn 2, we will be engaging with 'To Infinity and Beyond! and 'Wiggly Worm goes to Space', in keeping with our topic, 'Out of this World!'.


In Spring 1, the children will be looking at 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', in keeping with our topic 'Food Glorious Food!' and will explore the different foods he ate each week! In Spring 2, we will move onto stories about different countries with our story being 'A journey around the World!'. 


In Summer 1, we will be looking at Festivals and Carnivals. Our sensory stories will be called ‘A trip to the Carnival’ and ‘A birthday party’. The children will take a journey to the carnival and explore the different activities that happen there, such as dancing, music and food and drink and understand what happens at a birthday party. In Summer 2, we will explore different festivals that we celebrate, such as weddings. 

World Book Day - 07/03/2024
