

Park School

Creative Development

During the Autumn term theme 'Out of this World' we created our very own 2D planets using different materials. The children also explored Music and how we can create music through body percussion such as clapping, stamping our feet and patting our knees. Red class also explored different instruments, the sounds that they make and different melodies that can be created by these instruments. In DT food, the children have practiced hand washing, turn-taking, and various skills in preparing and mixing ingredients to bake lots of different foods.

Creative Development - Autumn Term

During the Spring term theme 'Food glorious food' we explored use of colours as well as mixing primary colours to create secondary colours. The children also decorated lots of fruits and vegetables for our class display which looked fantastic. The children also explored the 4 families of instruments and compared instruments to one another such as how they are played, their features, and the sound that they make. In DT food, the children have practiced hand washing, turn-taking, and various skills in preparing and mixing ingredients to bake lots of different foods.

During the Summer term theme 'Festivals and Carnivals' the children will explore different styles of music and how each one makes them feel. Red class will also discuss their favourite genre of music and why it is their favourite. During Summer term 2, Red class will explore and experience different music from around the world and will take part in playing along to the worldwide music using a variety of instruments. In Art, the children will take part in the task of planning a celebratory event where they will prepare decorations and props that are needed for the event. In DT food, the children have practiced hand washing, turn-taking, and various skills in preparing and mixing ingredients to bake lots of different foods.
