Welcome to Aqua class!
We are a busy class of 11 children, 9 boys and 2 girls, and we are currently following the formal learning pathway. In Aqua class we engage in daily Phonics, Maths and Literacy sessions where we practise and build upon our reading, writing, number and shape space and measures skills. Lucy is our class teacher and Fran and Lucy are our teaching assistants.
Some of our favourite lessons and activities include; swimming, cooking, PE and anything messy!
This half term our topic is "Happily Ever After". We will be learning about traditional tales such as The Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk and some twisted tales such as Goldilocks and the Three Crocodiles, Little Red and The Three wolves and the Big Bad Pig.
In PE we have coaches from Everton In the Community helping us with our tennis skills and we will be engaging in daily funky fingers activities to help support our fine motor skills to make us confident writers. In History we are learning all about castles, and in Science we are learning about rocks and fossils.