

Park School





As part of the forma pathway, we cover all areas of Science including Chemistry, Biology and Physics.  And Jade class love hands on science and experiments!  We have been developing our skills 'working scientifically', conducting investigations and making observations. We have even been making predictions too.


Our current Science topic is all about materials.  We have been identifying and classifying metal, plastic, wood, stone, glass, paper and card, and recognising their properties.  The fun part is putting this knowledge to good use as we built our own shelters to test out.   We used a hair-dryer to test its durability, heavy weights to test the shelters' strength and then our favourite investigation was testing how waterproof they were!


The children are now learning how to use their findings to improve their shelters and this will come in handy when they want to build strong castles.




Materials scavenger hunt

Jade Class Professors testing their materials shelters
