Physical development has many facets.
Gross motor skills include activities such as running, moving with confidence, balancing and negotiating space. Pupils have the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills through a wide variety of classroom activities; inside and out. Particular sessions that lend themselves well to the development of gross motor skills include PE, swimming, soft-play and learning outdoors.
Fine motor skills involve small muscles working with the brain and nervous system to control movements in areas such as the hands, fingers, lips, tongue and eyes. Developing fine motor skills helps children do things like eating, writing, manipulating objects and getting dressed.
Our children in Green class will use their fine motor skills for actions like threading, pulling up a zip completing a puzzle, using tweezers. The options are endless and offer a wide range of activities, noting which children like which activitiy. These important skills will contribute to a child’s development and independence across all areas of learning.
The development of fine motor skills and gross motor skills are interdependent and a joined-up approach to physical development is important. Young children need many opportunities to develop fine motor skills alongside gross motor skills so they can become confident to explore the world around them.
Another key aspect of the pupil's physical development are their self care skills, including; feeding,dressing/undressing and toileting. Pupils are encouraged to be as independent as they can possibly be in these areas.